Download BudgetId's File for HPOTIS

(for Current Financial Year Only)
Financial Year :
Total Records in File: 7295
*Name of the file will be HPOTISBudIdFor2011-12.sql
[for financial Year 2011-12 and will change accordingly.]
*Save the file and run in Treasury Database through SQL Query Analyzer in all Treasuries / Sub-Treasuries.
*If Budget Id is not available in HPOTIS use this file to update Treasury Database during Current Financial Year anytime.

DDO Master Creation / Updation and Form 24G Data Extraction Utility

(TDS/TCS Book Adjustment Statement - Form 24G)
DTO Login
(To manage State DDO Master)
User ID :
Password :
( * User ID and Password are case sensitive )
*Note :  DTOs can only update the DDO Detail,  for new entry contact Joint Director Treasuries and Accounts.
Disclaimer:Content on this website is published and managed by Department of Treasuries, Accounts and Lotteries, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla. For any query regarding this website, please contact the "Web Information Manager: Sh Deepak Bhardwaj (Joint Director), jdirtre-hp(at)nic[dot]in". Contents of this website are informative only and for benefit of the public. However, these do not confer any legal right or obligation. Website designed by National Informatics Centre.